Making Billions the Simple Way


Warren Buffett is the person to follow not only if you are seeking intellectual ways to perform trade and stock pickings but in the practical way that he lives his life. No, he isn’t perfect, but there is a method to his madness. Despite the fact that he is a multi-billionaire with stakes in several companies from See’s Candy and Johnson & Johnson to the Coca-Cola Company he has a strategy that’s actually simple.

In The Warren Buffett Way by Robert G. Hagstrom, you will learn the characteristics behind the investments as displayed in Chapter Four: Common Stock Purchases: Nine Case Studies.  I have been a fan of Buffett for decades and have read several books about him, and each time I come away with something different about him. In this book, you will learn the various ways in how Buffett processes his investments, as well as learning about his principles and practices.

From his childhood to his mentoring relationships, everything that he has encountered has been instrumental in the choices that have made about his success as displayed in Chapter Two: The Education of Warren  Buffett. You will learn from this book that it takes practice to acquire not only the financial gain that Buffett is known for but the most important thing is to fully understand the industry in which you have an interest in investing in. Did you know that your knowledge of industry commodities will help you to obtain a more sound investment decision?

While everyone may not obtain the same financial gain as Buffett, it is always a great practice to understand the man behind this simple principle as shown in Chapter Six: The Psychology of Investing. As Buffett states “patience is the key.” As you will see in Chapter Eight: The World’s Greatest Investor, Buffet states it simply “How I got here is pretty simple in my case. It is not IQ; I’m sure that you will be glad to hear. The big thing is rationality…..”

In Buffett’s Tenets: Business, Management, Financial and Markets you will be taught the various aspects of the decision-making process. As an added feature watch the movie, Becoming Warren Buffet, where you will learn not only about the man and his billions. Also, you will learn about his wife, Susan, who died in 2004 but has left an indelible mark on who he is today.

B.E.S.T. Publishing (A Division of Jabez Enterprise Group (JEGroup)

Get An Attitude Check

Fish Boost Morale and Improve Results (Stephen Lund)

Come with me and let’s partake in the atmosphere at the Famous Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle, Washington. First, do you love what you do for a living or do you despise your career or job? Is everyone engaged and on board in obtaining the team’s mission or is there someone that needs a little stimulation or refocus to help reach the team’s goal?

FISH: A Remarkable Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results by Stephen C Lundin, Ph.D., Harry Paul, and John Christensen is about collaboration, leadership, and seeking innovative ways to improve the team’s spirits and accomplish team goals. If your team needs a boost to become involved in goal setting they will surely learn a lot from reading this book.  Mary Jane received a promotion but to her surprise, it could be considered a kiss of death, she was responsible for those on the third floor.

The third floor was considered so dead that it would suck the life right out of you. The promotion was great but how could she turn things around in working on the third floor. She found her answer when she visited the Famous Pike Place Fish Market. This fish market was known for its energy, teamwork, and creativity but she wondered how could she transfer what she saw there to the people on the third floor. Mary Jane continually visiting the fish market and created a memorable process that she was able to use and effectively transform the third floor.

Personally, I know how hard it can be to educate and train people that have been conditioned to think and operate in a specific fashion. People get in a rut and become robots on their jobs, which makes it difficult to incorporate anything new into the process. In  FISH: A Remarkable Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results by Stephen C Lundin, Ph.D., Harry Paul, and John Christensen the steps that were outlined in the book can be paramount in helping any type of  team to make a paradigm shift:

  • Choose your attitude in how you show up and perform
  • Implement fun and playtime which improves the energy of the team
  • Make the customers’ day
  • Be present at work

Providing team with tasks and action items, enforcing accountability, and creating expected deliverables are the ways to bring unity, improve morale and obtain the desired results. What strategies are you using to motivate your team?

B.E.S.T. Publishing (A Division of Jabez Enterprise Group (JEGroup)


Photo Courtesy: Vernita Naylor (JEGroup)

As the year is ending there are so many things that still need to get done. One thing that comes to mind is training.  Training is extremely important to the growth and maintenance of your business.  There is a plethora of training platforms to choose from.  But what type of training to choose is the rub?

First, let’s discuss training platforms.  For your training pleasure you can take training in a variety of ways from webinars, Periscope and in-class to on-demand.  The type of training that you choose all depends upon your budget and availability.

Secondly, if there is a restriction on either your time or budget no worries there are a lot of classes designed especially for you.  If you are looking for something quick and power-packed consider taking an on-demand, webinar or Periscope type training session.  If you have the time and resources and desire a little more personal interaction consider attending a seminar or conference based upon ideal needs.

Lastly, training should not be looked upon as an inconvenience or a time waster.  Begin looking at training as a way of staying in compliance, growing your business or looking for ways to work smarter and not harder.  As you change your mind about it, your process will change as well.

Do it today by finding a training platform that works for you before the Holidays kick in.  And while you are at it schedule time to take some more training in the first quarter of the following year.  This will help you to get a head start into the arena of scheduling your training sessions and in being on your way to scaling up.

Connect with me at Jabez Enterprise Group (JEGroup), @JEGroupBizLinkedIn, Facebook to see what we are doing next, receive consulting or training services, speaking engagements or for copies of Get the Cheese, Avoid the Traps: An Interactive Guide to Government Contracting for your business or certification program.

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Vernita Naylor
Founder/Owner Jabez Enterprise Group (JEGroup)

“Don’t think small, think business” Vernita Naylor