Making Billions the Simple Way


Warren Buffett is the person to follow not only if you are seeking intellectual ways to perform trade and stock pickings but in the practical way that he lives his life. No, he isn’t perfect, but there is a method to his madness. Despite the fact that he is a multi-billionaire with stakes in several companies from See’s Candy and Johnson & Johnson to the Coca-Cola Company he has a strategy that’s actually simple.

In The Warren Buffett Way by Robert G. Hagstrom, you will learn the characteristics behind the investments as displayed in Chapter Four: Common Stock Purchases: Nine Case Studies.  I have been a fan of Buffett for decades and have read several books about him, and each time I come away with something different about him. In this book, you will learn the various ways in how Buffett processes his investments, as well as learning about his principles and practices.

From his childhood to his mentoring relationships, everything that he has encountered has been instrumental in the choices that have made about his success as displayed in Chapter Two: The Education of Warren  Buffett. You will learn from this book that it takes practice to acquire not only the financial gain that Buffett is known for but the most important thing is to fully understand the industry in which you have an interest in investing in. Did you know that your knowledge of industry commodities will help you to obtain a more sound investment decision?

While everyone may not obtain the same financial gain as Buffett, it is always a great practice to understand the man behind this simple principle as shown in Chapter Six: The Psychology of Investing. As Buffett states “patience is the key.” As you will see in Chapter Eight: The World’s Greatest Investor, Buffet states it simply “How I got here is pretty simple in my case. It is not IQ; I’m sure that you will be glad to hear. The big thing is rationality…..”

In Buffett’s Tenets: Business, Management, Financial and Markets you will be taught the various aspects of the decision-making process. As an added feature watch the movie, Becoming Warren Buffet, where you will learn not only about the man and his billions. Also, you will learn about his wife, Susan, who died in 2004 but has left an indelible mark on who he is today.

B.E.S.T. Publishing (A Division of Jabez Enterprise Group (JEGroup)

Let’s Walk Into Another World


Photo Courtesy: Aldwyn Gallery


Books can be so entertaining that it can take you to another world. Lately, I have been enjoying the world of mystery, suspense, and intrigue. Because of time constraints, I have been unable to read a book physically, so I had to resort to listening to audiobooks.

In my quest to dabble in the audiobook world and to seek out some great choices I decided on a few that you too may enjoy. Let’s explore two of them. One of them you will find is over seven years old while the other one is relatively new, but they are so entertaining that you would not want to stop reading or listening to them.

I will provide you with an overview to not spoil the plot of the story. First, is The Associate by John Grisham (2009), a story of suspense and intrigue about Kyle McAvoy, a young attorney. In Kyle’s world, he goes through the experiences of living the life and wonders of becoming an attorney but what he sees behind the scenes puzzles him.

What he realizes is that his hourly salary, the tireless charades of clients’ paperwork and watching his co-workers spend more than they make just to look the part is all created to become a part of the illusion in the life of an attorney. He is living the dream. He realized that he had made it, but all that glitters is not gold.

His life changes when one day his past catches up with him. He is being asked to expose the secrets behind the firm that he’s working with? Will Kyle risk what he has worked so hard for or will he play along as if nothing has happened?

Next, Dangerous Games by Daniel Steele (2017), a story of high-risks, and mystery of working behind the scenes in the media industry. With TV correspondent, Alix Phillips, and Ex-Navy SEAL turned cameraman, Ben Chapman, working together, no story is safe. Alix has a passion for turn over every stone with Ben close behind.

As they travel abroad to cover stories that are dangerous either from riots or gunshots they always come back with excellent results. Alix wanted to find out more about Tony Clark, Vice-President of the United States. As she begins to turn over several stones, she discovers that Vice-President Clark wears different faces.

On the outside Vice-President Clark seemed to be confident and appears to be a man in charge yet in his private life, Clark is a man of corruption, deception, and cunny. No one knew, not even the President of the United States, that Vice-President Clark would do whatever it takes to become the next President. As Alix began to research the various aspects of the story concerning Vice-President Clark, she begins to uncover something so sinister that her life and those around her are at risk. Will this make Alix cease continuing the story or will she do what she does best tell the truth and to give the story the exposure that it needs?

B.E.S.T. Publishing (A Division of Jabez Enterprise Group (JEGroup)


Being A Business That Benefits

Up until this point, you should have seen a variety of different articles that I have crafted for you from health care and access to capital to taxes. From the House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate to the numerous Small Business Policy Forum’s panel of experts these articles were written with you in mind, the business owner. I wanted to provide you with a wealth of information that you can benefit from in running your business.  If you have missed any of the articles, click here:

  1. Tax Reform or Tax Cut
  2. ObamaCare vs the ACA
  3. Back to Basics

In my last article, we will discuss the various aspects of portable benefits (includes healthcare, and retirement). We all know that small businesses have to get creative to acquire and maintain great talent.  In order to do this, they must provide an assortment of benefits but should portable benefits be one of them?

Let’s look at this conversation two ways:

  • Scenario One: As an employer, you are responsible for a lot of people from your employees to their families but what happens when your employee decides to leave the company? Should you be responsible for their portable benefits? If so, for how long? Or should they be responsible for their own?
  • Scenario Two: Your business uses several freelancers and contractors, you depend heavily on their talent and the services that they provide. So what happens when they decide to leave the company? Yes, they are not your employee but should you be responsible for their portable benefits? If so, for how long? Or should they be responsible for their own? Are your answers the same as it would be if they were your employee?

Regardless, of the way that you answer either of these questions, understand that the workforce is shifting. Retirees and millennials are entering the workforce and most are opting to become freelance or contract workers. With this type of workforce, establishing a universal portable benefits system is ideal.

In today’s marketplace contractors and freelancers has a focus on not only getting paid but seeking to assure that their healthcare and retirement benefits are paid, current and available when needed.   Having a universal system would also help those employees that decide to leave a company but later determine that they wish to become an independent contractor or freelance worker instead. A portable benefit system should not only provide options to suit several needs but be affordable.

During the Portable Benefits: Creating An Infrastructure for Entrepreneurs to Thrive panel myself and a few other industry experts discussed what portable benefits could mean to small business owners including freelance and contract workers. In all honesty, small business owners want to see that their employees get the best because they are the ones that are helping to make the company profitable.

According to panelist, John Scott, Retirement Savings Director, The Pew Charitable Trusts, “66% of full-time employees are offered portable benefits, 48% of the employers want to help their employees save for retirement, and 22% of employers lack an internal administrative resource that will allow them to start and maintain a portable benefits system.”

For the sake of argument, let’s focus on retirement. While there are a lot of choices out there, there are several types of plans available, let’s explore a few:

For the sake of healthcare should the U.S. adopt a system that is universal for everyone as I discussed in ObamaCare vs the ACA? One thing that is prohibiting more small business owners from offering portable benefits is costs. From administrative setup and upkeep to contributions, should there be some type of subsidy programs in place to help offset these costs?

If so, should the programs be subsidized by the federal government? Or should this be a local or State financial responsibility? “Individuals that wish to do so, should be able to provide their own portable benefits and not be subjected to a specific employer but there must be multiple plans and options available, like a common or shared interest program,” Shilpa Phadke, Senior Director, Women’s Initiative at the Center for American Progress.

With some support, this will allow the new and emerging workforce the ability to take on the responsibility for their own future and not leave these critical pieces in the hands of others, especially since they are not an employee of the company. As a portable benefits plan is being created it should meet the needs of the freelancer or contract worker with minimum financial disruption during their Golden Years. As previously stated we business owners need to get creative in how we acquire and maintain the talent to run our businesses.

There are several ways that companies are becoming creative in their efforts to obtain the deliverables that they require. Below you will see several examples of which the first two companies offer full portable benefits, the third company offers partial portable benefits and the last offers no portable benefits but provides the revenue that freelancers and contractors can use to fund their portable benefits plan:

  • Company 1: 26-hour work-week for full-time employees but these employees are paid for a 40-hour work-week. This helps to offset the childcare and costs that these employees may encounter otherwise. By implementing this small step, this small business owner has been able to increase their revenue and productivity while creating an asset for their employees.
  • Company 2: One of my clients, offers several company benefits from wholesale catalog discounts; vacation, sick and family leave; and charity contributions matching to other types of personal flexibility. The interesting thing is that the majority of the benefits that this company offers if out of the company’s Profit and Loss (P&L). We all know that normally these costs are what the small business owners use to live off of but instead, this client passes these profits on to their employees.
  • Company 3: Employees may not be provided a full portable benefits package but they are instead offered profit sharing and are co-owners of the company that they work for.
  • Company 4: I work with several freelance and contract Since I am unable to provide them with portable benefits, I try to look for ways to provide them a long-term Return on Investment (ROI). One option is that I offer them revenue sharing on a project, that has a long-term, steady income flow. In this case, the workers obtain revenue for a number of years, which they can use to invest and fund their portable benefit accounts.

For those small businesses that offer an entrée of portable benefits including family leave should there be tax credits?  It is difficult to determine how portable benefits should roll out for small businesses, freelancers or contract workers but it should exist. Here are some other discussions about portable benefits that may interest you:

If you have any concerns about how portable benefits will affect you consider the following:

  • Contact your local representative or your State’s Senator
  • Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper
  • Consider an Op-Ed (Opinion-Editorial)

Once again I thank you for your support and the opportunity to serve you.  Subscribe to The JEGroupZone to stay up to date on articles and information about initiatives, programs, and issues that will affect you and your small business. As always, if you have a concern or issue that you would like for me to cover or talk about on your behalf in the near future please feel free to contact me at Jabez Enterprise Group (JEGroup).

“Don’t just stand by, be a part of the conversation.” Vernita Naylor

Vernita Naylor
Founder/Owner, Jabez Enterprise Group (JEGroup)
Small Business Ambassador Since 2001


Back to Basics For Business Growth

Photo Courtesy: Small Business Majority

Being a business owner is not for the weak at heart. It takes a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to juggle all of the balls and to keep them afloat in the air. Business owners have a lot of pressure on them because they are responsible for a lot of people from the community and their employees or subcontractors to their families.

Despite the fact that small businesses are the catalyst for job creation, economic growth and stimulating the community, accessing capital for their business is still a thorn in the side for many, primarily within the diverse communities. The Access to Capital: The Key to Small Business Growth and Economic Development panelist was candid about the culture of the financial institution practices on lending. With their gut-wrenching advice they were able to provide us the tools and resources that we would need to stay in the game.

As we all know the lending practices today has adversely affected millions of underrepresented and disadvantaged businesses for centuries from home to business ownership. When a small business owner, particularly from the diverse community, applies for a loan there are continual biases and prejudices that the system possess. You can provide every documentation required, have collateral and still can run up against a loan denial.

There is a great deal of discrimination in lending,” David Newvill, Director of Federal Policy, Prosperity Now. One of the business owners that attended the Small Business Policy Forum was transparent about his lending experience. Here is an overview of what he displayed to us:

He has been in business for over 10 years. He needed funding to help take his business to the next level. He provided all of the required documentation, however, he experienced a glitch. The glitch was that according to Sage Stream Reporting, which was used for credit reporting by the financial institution that he was working with, his profile came back not creditworthy. The irony was that he stated that Sage Stream Reporting had the wrong person and that their findings of his creditworthiness were incorrect. These errors that were reported by Sage Stream Reporting is what caused his application to be denied, despite the fact that he tried everything to correct the mistakes that Sage Stream Reporting had made.

As you can see outside of the three big credit reporting agencies: TransUnion, Equifax or Experian there are other companies coming online that is tremendously affecting business lending. Everyone in attendance including the panel of experts wanted to know exactly who is Sage Stream Reporting. The irony is that no one knew or had ever hear of this company, including the panelist. Isn’t that interesting?!

Do you know who your lenders use to access information about you? “Only 53% of those that apply for loans actually receive the requested amount,” Joyce Klein, Director of Microenterprise Fund for Innovation, Effectiveness, Learning, and Dissemination (FIELD), Aspen Institute. As a small business owner, my question is why only 53%?

There is truly something wrong here. “Be aware of merchant cash advance services,” Joyce Klein. What is she talking about?

Just like Sage Stream Reporting has entered the marketplace so has unregulated sharks pertaining to lending. These sharks are ready to offer you an unsecured loan but at a higher Annual Percentage Rate (APR).  In order to obtain access to capital to help grow your business, these lenders require access to your checking account.

The purpose for this access is so that they can debit your account for daily payments and if you decide to pay off the loan early, there is an early prepayment penalty attached. Don’t wait until you need the money for your business growth locate a lender now and get your ducks in a row. If you feel pushed up against a wall you are more than likely to get a loan at any costs.

For the larger institutes that are regulated like your major bank, these financial institutions do not see the value in lending to you. As they see it, the costs to underwrite a loan is the same, whether the dollar amount requested is $2,500, 25,000, $250,000 or $2.5 million dollars. The bottom line is their bottom line!

Manny Hidalgo, Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity, U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Office of Capital Access indicated that SBA has been fully aware of the biases that minorities are receiving within the banking community so they are creating more programs that are designed to help offset some of the costs and risks that big banks may face in lending to diverse communities. “SBA lenders look at other things outside of your FICO Score. We also have a Lending Match Program that is designed to match lenders with business owners,’ says Manny.

In today’s marketplace business owners should be aware of the Small Business Borrower’s Bill of Rights,” Jessica Milano, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Small Business, Community Development, and Housing Policy, U.S. Department of Treasury, which is designed to operate using better lending practices. There are six key initiatives that these Rights operate under:

  • The Right to Transparent Pricing and Terms
  • The Right to Non-Abusive Products
  • The Right to Responsible Underwriting
  • The Right to Fair Treatment from Brokers
  • The Right to Inclusive Credit Access
  • The Right to Fair Credit Practices

I have a suggestion, let’s go back to basics. How does that look? How would it work?

Going back to basics is looking at lending institutions with a vested interest in your business success. Take your money out of the major banks and begin looking at partnering with your local, community bank. Another back to basic move would be to look into crowdfunding programs like KIVA. Or borrow from family and friends and if they need an incentive consider revenue sharing or providing them a share in the business.

Lauren Stebbins, Vice President of Small Business Initiatives, Opportunity Finance Network provided several other back to basic resources that can be beneficial to business owners that are seeking the necessary technical assistance and programs to help finance their needs:

Remember, as a small business owner you must continue to make your voice heard and to stay up to date on small business issues by reaching out to these organizations and your Senators now:

Once again I thank you for the opportunity to serve you and for your support.  If you have a concern or issue that you would like for me to talk about on your behalf within the near future please feel free to contact me.

“Don’t just stand by, be a part of the conversation.” Vernita Naylor

Vernita Naylor
Founder/Owner, Jabez Enterprise Group (JEGroup)
Small Business Ambassador Since 2001




ObamaCare or the Affordable Care Act (ACA) my question for you is, is it the same thing? In today’s political climate, the ACA, also known as, ObamaCare is such a controversial issue. There are people out there that have such a bias against President Obama and his legacy that they want to eradicate him at any cost.

The irony is that when surveyed people stated that they would prefer to keep their Affordable Health Care but did not want to have anything to do with ObamaCare.  The interesting thing is that they did not realize nor understand that it is the same thing. It is such an issue that there are so many articles written around this.

The sad part is that there are so many people out there that are either too ignorant or too prejudice to understand exactly what they are saying. Here are a few of the articles that you may find interesting on the subject:

The bottom line is why can’t we have Universal Healthcare in the U.S. like other Countries? While the healthcare system is not perfect in those Countries healthcare is the least of their concerns. This is the same with the ACA.

There were several presidents that tried to accomplish enacting a healthcare system but it didn’t work until President Obama. In conversations with the Preserving Health Care Benefits for Small Businesses panelists and the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension (HELP) Policy Advisor and Staff we were provided with enough information to help us to understand the issues around the ACA.  The burning question is will the ACA be repealed or replaced?

“The ACA is not a perfect system but at least it is operating in the right direction. It needs a little massaging. The focus needs to be on improving what is working and replacing what isn’t.”  Kevin Lucia, Research Professor and Project Director, Center on Health Insurance Reforms (CHIR), Georgetown University’s Health Policy. Let’s give credit where credit is due.

To start we will begin with the Murray-Alexander Deal. In this deal, the two Senators wanted to get some movement as it pertains to the ACA, so they struck a deal that they believed would be a win-win. The deal reflected on the subsidies that are a major part of the ACA.

These subsidies also are known as Cost-Sharing Reductions (CSR), are the federal reimbursements that healthcare providers receive to supplement the out-of-pocket expenses that those within the underserved communities are unable to afford or pay for.  The CSR issues have been heavily talked about in the news because President Trump is opting to not reimburse the healthcare providers for these costs.  With the Murray-Alexander Deal, it will help to remove “the emperor has no clothes syndrome” because as everything stands now pertaining to the ACA and the lack of getting any type of resolution it has become so embarrassing for both sides of the House.

While some of the Congressional party are willing to move forward in getting a resolution to the plan the issue is at what costs? Hence the Murray-Alexander Deal.  Also, what will the American people have to give up just to get a plan that will not be a detriment to each household or small business owner?

On the table was the skinny repeal, what does this mean? The skinny repeal is a scaled down of the ACA which is estimated that it could be passed with some of the following elements removed:

  • Individual mandate of requiring individuals to purchase insurance
  • Employer mandate for companies with at least 50 employees
  • Other social services programs that affect millions of Americans

As a business owner is it important to know and understand how the ACA will and can impact you and your business. If the ACA is not massaged or improved it can get worse. Let’s explore how the ACA rolls out:

  • Overall health insurance premiums are decreasing, however, there are some people who’s premiums has increased because it offsets those with pre-existing conditions, as well as those that previously did not have healthcare insurance;
  • The focus shouldn’t be on eradicating the legacy that President Obama has created during his terms in office at the expense of the people but instead focus on how to best serve the people;
  • If the plan is totally replaced or repealed instead of parts of it, there could be at least 20 million people that could once again be without healthcare. Is this Making American Great Again?;
  • The healthcare providers are unsure as to the stability of the ACA, particularly the CSR, so they are beginning to attach a 12% surcharge to some of the policies. The surcharge is to help offset their losses, in case the CSR are eradicated under the new plan;
  • Without the government assistance each State would have to pay for their own CSR; and
  • Other States could be affected because patients could cross over into other States for services such as within the Washington Metro Area (D.C., Virginia, and Maryland).

Now let’s consider some suggestions including those of the panel experts and the HELP Team:

  • “Locate a broker that understands all of the aspects of the ACA including the risks,” says Lucia;
  • “For high deductions create standard benefits package vs non-standard packages which allows flexibility. Thoroughly read your policy whether it’s a Bronze, Gold, Silver or Platinum plan to understand what is and isn’t covered,” says Mila Kofman, Executive Director, DC Health Benefits Exchange Authority;
  • Restructure the billing codes for services. It is the billing codes that determine what the costs will be. There are known cases of medical fraud due to billing codes for services which are assisting in taxing our healthcare system;
  • Why are the costs in the U.S. so high? What are other Countries like Australia and France doing pertaining to medical costs that seem to escape our medical system? Let’s look at best practices of other systems throughout the world and implement some of them;
  • Carefully look at the Medicaid Expansion and its effect on each State;
  • Make ACA markets more stable so that insurance companies can price and forecast better;
  • Create more robust outreach to get more millennials insured;
  • Wraparound ABTC services from early childhood, outpatient, and transitional housing to school-based; and
  • Let’s rebrand the ACA and call it for what it is the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and not ObamaCare. Once people are fully educated that these two plans are the same then the conversation, acceptance, and support would become different.

Be on the lookout for Open Enrollment Season. Under the new leadership, the marketing dollars have been tremendously decreased, therefore, the public will not be timely notified when they can either change their provider or enroll in a health care plan. For this year the enrollment timeframe is from November 1 to December 15, 2017.

According to Adam Rochon, Owner, Sequoia Employee Benefits & Insurance Solutions,  “Business owners should get ready for carrier changes in some areas because Blue Anthem is or has pulled out. Some of the healthcare providers’ websites are not fully operable or functioning properly. Also, you may experience shortened operating hours due to staff shortages. “

As a small business owner you must continue to make your voice heard and to stay up to date on small business issues reach out to these organizations and your Senators now:

Please do your part and let your voice be heard. “Show up, speak out, testify if needed before Congress, write articles to your local papers, and get ready to rally behind the causes when needed, “ says Lucia.

We need the Affordable Care Act (ACA) more than ever.

Thank you for this opportunity to serve you and for your support.  If you have a concern or issue that you would like for me to talk about on your behalf within the near future please feel free to contact me.

“Don’t just stand by, be a part of the conversation.” Vernita Naylor

Vernita Naylor
Founder/Owner, Jabez Enterprise Group (JEGroup)
Small Business Ambassador Since 2001



Don’t Get On the Disqualified List


In the previous article, Be Prepared to Win the Bid, we talked about some of the hiccups that business owners run across when submitting a bid. A lot of companies spend time on making their bid proposal look good visually but don’t fully understand that following the instructions as outlined in the bid proposal is key. We will talk more about this specific topic a little later.

It must be understood that talent is not enough. You must convince the buying agency that you are capable, competent and worthy of winning the bid. It is your job to convince the buying agency that you are the best of the best.

How you do this is by how you present yourself on paper during the bidding process. In your bid, you are letting the buying agency know who you are, what you can do, how you will do it, in what fashion it will get done, and then why should they choose you over anyone else. It is your goal to make your bid speak volumes to the buying agency in order to win the bid.

In the previous article, you were provided with a few quick and easy step that you can take to help in winning the bid. Now we will explore some factors that go into disqualifying you as a potential bidder. As it was recently discussed a lot of companies spend time on making their bid proposal look good visually but don’t fully understand that following the instructions as outlined in the bid proposal is key.

Let’s explore why this is important using the scenario below:

Bid requests

  • Submit all numerical data in an excel spreadsheet;
  • Bids must be sent to 12345 Samuel Circle, 3rd Floor, Essex Room, Duluth, GA 30097 on Friday, April 10 by 10 am;
  • Proposal must be tabbed as specified under Clause F – Markings and Packaging; and
  • All written content must be in Arial 12pt Font double-spaced.

You submit

  • All numerical data submitted in an excel spreadsheet;
  • Your bid arrives at 12345 Samuel Circle, 3rd Floor, Essex Room, Duluth, GA 30097 on Friday, April 10 by 10:10 am;
  • Proposal tabbed partially as required under Clause F – Markings and Packaging; and
  • The written content was submitted in Times New Roman 12pt Font 1.5 spacing.

You provided your variations to the proposal because you believed that it would look visually better this way and incorporated a little creativity. It is these simple variations that can cause your bid to be considered unfavorable and you become a disqualified offeror.  Also, you bid did not arrive on time, it is your job to do what it takes to assure that it’s delivered as requested.

If you do not follow these simple directions you are wasting your time submitting a bid. Some companies spend a lot of time and effort on their marketing piece, which does help, but initially, it is the content that catches the eyes of the receiver. By paying close attention to what the bid requests are I guarantee that you will be on your way to winning the bids within the near future.

Connect with us at Jabez Enterprise Group (JEGroup), @JEGroupBiz, LinkedIn, and Facebook to see what we are doing next, or to become a part of The What’s Next Effect (The WNE). Or to become a part of the diversity and inclusion conversation pick up your copy of Get the Cheese, Avoid the Traps: An Interactive Guide to Government Contracting.

Vernita Naylor
Published Author, Speaker, Founder/Owner Jabez Enterprise Group (JEGroup)

“Always do your best and be transparent in how you conduct business.” Vernita Naylor



Being the Best in Bidding

God in Canada (Photo Courtesy Fleta Matthews)

Is talent enough to win a bid? No. In order to win a bid, the goal is to convince someone, who may not know you, that you are capable, competent and worthy of winning the bid.

You must make them believe that you are the best of the best. How do you do this? First, let’s walk through the process.

In your industry, you may see that there are certain competitors that are always winning bids, especially those bids that may interest you. What do you know about your competitors? Have you researched them?

Understand that it is not always about talent, it is also about relationships. Just like in anything else, relationships play a key role in winning as well. In the cases where there is a bidding process have you been able to figure out how your competitors are winning the bidding war?

In most cases, it is how they present themselves on paper during the bidding process. It is the written content that is a pertinent part of winning the bid, their expression of showing themselves the best of the best. The content that you provide says who you are, what you can do, how you will do it, in what fashion it will get done, and why should they choose you over anyone else.

How your information is written is what speaks volumes for your company in helping to win a bid. There a few easy steps that you can take to help you to win the bid, let’s explore some of them:

  1. Carefully review the full proposal;
  2. Read, understand and follow the instructions as outlined;
  3. Adhere to the specifications as provided; and
  4. Make the content flow, easy to understand and read.

Yes, it is just that simple but believe it or not a lot of potential vendors miss the mark frequently.  How they miss it is by not following the steps previously mentioned. In the next article, Don’t Get On the Disqualified Proposal List, we will explore some of the ways that cause a potential bidder to become disqualified.

Connect with us at Jabez Enterprise Group (JEGroup), @JEGroupBiz, LinkedIn, and Facebook to see what we are doing next, or to become a part of The What’s Next Effect (The WNE). Or to become a part of the diversity and inclusion conversation pick up your copy of Get the Cheese, Avoid the Traps: An Interactive Guide to Government Contracting.

Vernita Naylor
Published Author, Speaker, Founder/Owner Jabez Enterprise Group (JEGroup)

“Always do your best and be transparent in how you conduct business.” Vernita Naylor

Speak in Colors with Tech

Vernita Naylor Speaking Card (Tech Inclusion) 2017

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) are terms that are continually being circulated within the marketplace. D&I normally ties into employee and employer relationships as it pertains to Fortune 500 and government companies but what about small business owners, shouldn’t they become a part of the conversation also? At Tech Inclusion 2017, during my Speaking in Colors session, I will talk about how anyone, particularly business owners, can use their diversity to maximize their inclusive partnerships. Register today

For more information about us visit








What Is Your Defense?

The Art of War by Sun Tzu

Do you know how to fight? There are different ways to fight, spiritually, physically and mentally. If you have an interest in learning how to fight get a copy of the Art of War by Sun Tzu. You will see this book with several types of jacket covers but if it says The Art of War by Sun Tzu you are in for a treat. This Ancient History Classic uses the military formulations, principles, and practices to teach fighting techniques. In the book, the Chapters are sectioned off to explain the importance of the strategies, plans, disposition, energy, weak and strong points, and staging of a battle.

You will learn how to focus on the seasons and terrains while strengthening your leadership and management styles which provides a stance necessary for fighting.  Get positioned to fight by studying your enemy. Fighting is not based upon how you feel but flexibility, movement, adaptation, and development. When an army is ready to fight, there must be a plan of action. The Art of War provides you with everything that you would need to become an effective fighter.

Reading the Art of War by Sun Tzu was such a pleasure that I have read it over and over again throughout the years. It has provided me the tools necessary using the military prowess that I have been able to use every day on my journey. As an advocate on several fronts from public lands, national monuments, historical buildings and landmarks, businesses, and youth to young adults I have learned that my focus must be on and remain on the facts, and details in order to provide a solution to the problems at hand. If you are seeking a way to fight tactically consider adding the Art of War by Sun Tzu to your library.

B.E.S.T. Publishing (A Division of Jabez Enterprise Group (JEGroup)

Vernita Talk Policy in D.C. (GoFundMe)

Vernita Naylor (JEGroup) has been selected along with 49 other prominent business owners nationwide to speak in Washington, D.C. on policy issues pertaining to business owners. In today’s climate, it is important that business owners have a voice and that those voices are being heard. We have been invited to attend a Small Business Policy Forum where we will be sitting down with subject matter policy experts and legislative staff to engage in a conversation on policies surrounding tax reforms, Affordable Health Care (ACA), access to capital, hiring and other small business pain points. We need your financial support within the next two weeks to assure that our expenses for the Forum are met. Please visit our GoFundMe campaign and provide your support today.

As a Small Business Ambassador we have been contacted to speak on behalf of and have advocated for business owners on several occasions. Please join us for the continual fight to improve the conditions for small business owners throughout our Country.  For an example of our work pertaining to small business efforts, please visit (14:32/21:51)

If you are a business owner and you have a specific pain point pertaining to policy matters, please email us- Subject: Business Pain Point with a brief description of your concerns along with your name, company’s name, and the city and State that you are representing. We will make every effort to post the response to your question in our November blog,

We truly appreciate your financial support to help keep our economy thriving and the ability to implement policies that will continue to help small businesses with the ability to operate and serve you. Once again, on behalf of myself and the small business owners throughout the Country, we thank you in advance and appreciate your support. We couldn’t have done this type of work without you.

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